< Нелепые законы штата Айова
Специальный правительственный комитет был создан для того, чтобы создать
законы для всего, для чего законы еще не были созданы. В числе всего прочего
комитет изобрел закон, разрешающий слабослышащим людям использовать слуховые аппараты.
154A.2 Establishment of board.
A board for the licensing and regulation of hearing aid dealers is established.
The board shall consist of three licensed hearing aid dealers and two members
who are not licensed hearing aid dealers who shall represent the general
public. Members, who shall be residents of the state of Iowa, shall be appointed
by the governor, subject to confirmation by the senate. A licensed member
shall be actively employed as a hearing aid dealer and shall have been so
engaged for five years preceding appointment, the last two of which shall have
been in Iowa. Hearing aid dealers appointed to the initial board shall have not
less than five years experience and shall fulfill the qualifications relating to
experience for licensure as provided in this chapter.
No more than two members of the board shall be employees of, or dealers
principally, for the same hearing aid manufacturer.
Professional associations or societies composed of licensed hearing aid dealers
may recommend the names of potential board members to the governor, but the
governor shall not be bound by the recommendations. A board member shall not
be required to be a member of any professional association or society composed
of licensed hearing aid dealers.
Section History: Early form [C75, 77, 79, 81, § 154A.2]
Footnotes Confirmation, see p. 2.32